Weekly Roundup: Week of 01-02-22


Hi friends! Long time no talk. I know I’ve said it before (more than once), but I really want to get back into posting on here more consistently. So, to ease back into things here’s the first weekly roundup of 2022.

  • One of my goals in 2022 is to read daily (but I’m not putting a time or page goal with that because that’s too much stress). If you also want to start reading daily or get back into it but don’t know where to start, take a look at this list of the best books of 2021 (or this one). I already have a long list of books from #booktok but I’ll be adding some more from these lists.

  • Speaking of goals, I’ve seen a lot of people setting goals to journal this year. I’ve always wanted to be a journal-er but I don’t feel like I’m good at it and it feels like a chore. If you're in the same boat, this list of alternatives may speak to you.

  • Also speaking of goals- the new year is filled with lots of people that will try to convince you that you aren’t good enough as you are and that you must partake in a diet to be worthy. While I’m all for setting goals that you want to, people selling these diets often don’t care about your actual health or wellness. If you are trying to set boundaries around diet culture, give this a read (TW: talk of eating disorders).

  • As we head into our second year of living with Covid (and as we learn to deal with the new strains), it may be helpful to read about how some therapists are dealing with Covid anxiety.

  • 2021 wasn’t all bad. Here are some good things that happened in the past year.

  • If NFTs are as confusing to you as they are to me, this may help clear things up (although honestly, I still don’t get it).

  • These Swedish cardamom buns look delicious and are on my list to make.

I hope your 2022 is off to a beautiful start, and if it isn’t that you are giving yourself grace to let yourself feel all of your feelings. As always, if you have any links to share for this week’s roundup, drop them in the comments.