Why Time Enough?


This is a business (and a blog) about grief, death, and parts of my life that you may or may not find interesting. So why is it called Time Enough?

People frequently assume that because my education is in grief and bereavement that must be all I think about; they also normally assume that thinking about and talking about grief and death is depressing and morbid. I disagree with that. I think about death and related topics pretty much daily, but I still have time to enjoy my dogs, to enjoy movies, to enjoy cross stitching, go out with friends, to play with makeup, and everything in between. There’s time enough for everything. Talking about these things doesn’t take away from the present- in fact, it enhances it. I believe that developing a comfort with grief and death allows for greater enjoyment of the time that we have and the things we do with that time.

I’m hoping that this blog not only provides information and resources on these topics but also helps each of you to get comfortable with these conversations and through this, enjoy life more fully.

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